Why Every Website Needs A FAQ Page

Posted by The SEO Specialists at Brainjar on Wednesday, November 16, 2016


When you type something into Google or other search engine it’s usually a question. Your customers are the same way. When they have a question about a problem, product or where something is located they type their question into Google. If you have questions on your FAQ page that exactly matches what someone has searched, you are more likely to be listed highly on their search engine results page. By providing a page for frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers on your website about your service or product you can capture a better-qualified audience.

Add a FAQs Page to Your Website

If they are certain questions customers routinely ask, put up a well-rounded website page of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). This page helps customers outside of SEO by providing them with a centralized location to have their questions answered. It also can help generate search engine traffic if users search for answers to their common questions. Just remember to keep the answers short. Nobody wants to read an entire blog post worth of content when they need a quick answer. Remember that FAQs might use many different keywords on a page, which is ineffective. Use FAQ page in conjunction with other efforts.

When you understand what your target market wants, it is much easier to create SEO strategies that work. By answering relevant questions through your website, you can increase search engine traffic.

At Brainjar Media FAQ pages are part of our bread and butter when optimizing a site. Call us today for your Search Engine Optimization needs at 503.492.6500.

Brainjar Media is a digital marketing agency specializing in website SEO services and content marketing for social media. Located in Downtown Gresham, we have over two decades of experience with a successful track record. We help your website get found through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media marketing. We help you define your goals, we can find out what kind of SEO your competition is doing and we can do it better. Everything we do comes with measurable results. If you want more leads, phone calls, foot traffic or sales — we can help you.

SRC: www.business2community.com/seo/answer-common-questions-improve-seo-rankings-01695776#3yJyMW1rGLJTxQZC.97

Categories: SEO

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Brainjar Media is a digital marketing agency specializing in website SEO services and content marketing for social media. Located in Downtown Gresham, we have over two decades of experience with a successful track record. Our work has been praised in the Wall Street Journal, Barrion's Magazine and the Portland Tribune. We have worked for some of the top brands like Intel, Microsoft, NASCAR and Pendleton Woolen Mills. 


Bottom line? We help your website get found through Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing. We help you define your goals, we can find out what kind of SEO your competition is doing and we can do it better. Everything we do comes with measurable results. If you want more leads, phone calls, foot traffic or sales -- we can help you.
