Frequency Should Be Your First Year Priority
When it comes to content marketing, content is still king, but you need data to decide what counts as good content. This is where frequency comes in. When you start a campaign you can make great guesses coming out of the gate. You’ve checked out your peers and competitors. You’ve done your keyword research. And you have written that engaging copy that embraces your branding message. It’s a good start, but your first year should be about collecting data. The more content you post the more data you get. The more data you get, the more informed you are about your audience.
Each blog and Facebook post is rich with data. The combination between the two can give you valuable information; with Analytics and Facebook Insights you will learn what content resonates with your audience, and who your audience is (or if your content is targeting the audience you want).
Ideally, you would blog and Facebook every day—but we know that’s a big task. We think the minimum sweet spot (for your first year) is three times a week. This frequency is important, by the end of the year you have data from over 150 blogs that have been shared on Facebook. During these 150 posts, you can switch up the day you post, the time you post, your topics, your titles, your voice.
The first thing you want to discover is what day/time people are tuning in. If you are building up your audience, Facebook Insights will let you know when your audience is on Facebook. Go to your Facebook Page, click on Insights and then click on Post. You should see a bell curve that peaks when your fans are online. Sometimes you will see two peaks—try posting during both of those times.
On the Google Analytics side, you can learn how each blog compares to each other, how long they spend on your blog, how they found you and where they clicked next.
At Brainjar Media we believe, at the end of the day, the more data you have the better decisions you can make. After you have a full year’s worth of data you can make informed decisions on when to post, which topics resonate with your audience and how to attract them. You will even The best part of the 150 post-challenge is the ability to experiment. These experiments can provide unexpected results and provide insights that are unique to your audience.
A great example is when Brainjar did a campaign for a coffee roasting company. We initially started educational posts for the roasting process or how the beans are sourced. After 150 posts we realized that coffee recipes were hot and we could make product recommendations for each recipe. A dark roast for a rub and maybe a medium roast for a cocktail.
Brainjar Media is happy to do all this work and analysis for you at a price that fits your budget. Go ahead and check out our full suite of Content Marketing Services.
We help your website get found through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing. We help you define your goals, we can find out what kind of SEO your competition is doing, and we can do it better. Call us today at 503.492.6500 for a consultation.